LkW Flucorrex Halle LkW Flucorrex Halle
  • Flucorrex is a world's leading supplier of corrosion resistant heat exchangers
  • Flucorrex was founded in 1992 as a joint stock company by 4 engineers with long years of experience in the business
  • Customized and innovative solutions based on our know-how grown since the 1970's and represented by our team-members
  • Development, design, production and installation of corrosion resistant heat exchangers in two business units: flue gas applications and maltings
  • Flue gas: more than 850 heat exchangers worldwide for waste to energy plants, power stations, and other large scale industrial applications
  • Maltings: more than 600 Flucorrex indirect air heaters and heat exchangers ensure low energy consumption of maltings around the world
  • Own production facilities at the location of the headquarters with 7'600 m2 workshop area and lifting capacities up to 32 tons
  • The whole company is certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 3834-2:2006 by Swiss Safety Center AG and furthermore according to AD 2000 HP0, Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 2014/68/EU, and ASME Sect. VIII, Div 1 (U).

Flucorrex AG · Wiler Strasse 1692 · 9230 Flawil/Switzerland Tel. +41 71 394 24 00 · Fax +41 71 393 58 56 ·E-Mail · Impressum

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